
65 Days of Gratitude: DAY 2

I'm grateful for my kids' imaginations. I can give them paper, crayons, and glue and they never cease to amaze me with their creativity :)


65 days of Gratitude DAY 1

Today I am grateful for every second God lets me spend on earth. Each second is a precious gift to me from God and I don't want to waste any of them.

65 Days of Gratitude

Tonight we will have our Autumnal Equinox and for those of you who aren't giant geeks, that is what marks the official beginning of fall. I have always loved fall and not just because of all the yummy fall goodies and pretty fall colors. Really, I think I love it because it is such a special time of year. Everything draws to a close and we get to look back and see where we've come to. It's a time for warmth, for fun, a magical time for kids, and it always makes me feel thankful.

How many times a day do you stop and say thanks for something in your life? If you're like me; busy, overworked, tired, and well, just living a normal life; you probably don't do it enough. As I was driving and praying today I decided that it would be a good excersice to start my thanksgiving list now. It's 65 days from now until thanksgiving and I plan to write one thing I am truly grateful for everyday from now until then. I know it sounds easy, but I think it's really going to challenge me to appreciate some of the little blessings that get overlooked in the craziness of the everyday.

I invite you to make your own list and share with your friends and family!