Hey all! I am not posting again until Dec 31st :) We are blessed to have family in town and we want to make the most of our time together. Be sure to check back on Dec 31st for 2009- a year in fail :)!
St Pete Vineyard Stage Design
St Pete Vineyard recently was blessed to move to a new building. The building was in great shape but not our style. Thanks to many willing hearts and hands we were able to transform the building into our new home. I was part of the stage design team and below are some pics of what we, along with many talented volunteers, were able to do with our new stage. We have even more plans for artwork and other details but I'd say we're off to a good start :)


Marketing Fail of the Day
"It's a 'Spiritual Accessory'- Personally I think the background music is the best part :)
Love can be the Hardest Thing

Now, there are many awesome churches and I believe that in general, Christians have a heart to do good things, so why is it that we have such a hard time walking in love with one another? Once again, I don't pretend to know, but here's a couple of things I've observed:
1. We are insecure- I have a strong personality and that makes a lot of people feel intimidated but what those people don't get is that I am just as insecure as they are. I have the same need to feel loved, accepted, and encouraged. I just express myself differently. We are all laced with insecurities and they often get in the way of our relationships with one another.
2. We are skeptics- Our society teaches us not to trust, especially when people are too nice or too eager. We are taught that there is so selflessness. I've learned that if you continuously question someone's motives, eventually they will let you down. So really instead of believing in our brother and sisters to succeed, we are just waiting for them to fail.
3. We are afraid- If you've been hurt, and let's face it, we've all been hurt. The worst thing you can imagine is being hurt again. These emotional scars are painful reminders of what we fear most and our natural human reaction is to flee anything that looks like it might reopen our wounds. I know this from experience. This kind of fear kept me from being in a small group for years and it is very unhealthy.
The solution? Heck, I don't know! I'm not a great philosopher or theologian. I'm just some chick who's been there and maybe you can relate? The only answer I can offer is in the Bible (cause let's face it those answers are usually the best ones):
"I want you to think about how all this makes you more significant, not less. A body isn't just a single part blown up into something huge. It's all the different-but-similar parts arranged and functioning together. If Foot said, "I'm not elegant like Hand, embellished with rings; I guess I don't belong to this body," would that make it so? If Ear said, "I'm not beautiful like Eye, limpid and expressive; I don't deserve a place on the head," would you want to remove it from the body? If the body was all eye, how could it hear? If all ear, how could it smell? As it is, we see that God has carefully placed each part of the body right where he wanted it. 19-24But I also want you to think about how this keeps your significance from getting blown up into self-importance. For no matter how significant you are, it is only because of what you are a part of." 1 Corinthians 12:14-19 MSG
We are all important. Just realizing that we ALL matter helps. Sometimes we get consumed with feelings of self importance and this can set us up for even bigger hurts and sometimes we are consumed with feeling insignificant and the result is the same. Remembering that we are all not just A part but an IMPORTANT part of God's big picture can give us great security and strength when we feel hurt, neglected, or alone and it can give us perspective when we need it.
"4Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. 8Love never fails. " 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 NIV
We've all heard this a million times but it will always be relevant. This is how God defines love and this ought to be the standard for how we treat one another. At the end of the day we are all in this together. Loving each other with Christ-like love can be hard, but sometimes allowing ourselves to receive it can be even harder. I believe that the more we love each other, the greater our witness is. Let's all challenge ourselves to take the next step in love and let's do it together. It's when all of us journey together in love that we can do the greatest things for God's Kingdom.
What do you think? Am I being too harsh? Have you ever felt this way? How do you handle it?
Marketing Fail of the Day- I only wish I were kidding

Okay when I saw this on Matthew Paul Turner's website, I thought it was a joke. I really thought it was totally faked, but no. These people are totally serious. All I can say is this doesn't look like keeping the 'Christ' in Christmas it looks more like putting a little Easter in Christmas. I'm going say it's definitely a movement... towards stupidity. Seriously, would you ever in your life have this in your house?
So Beautiful- Lyrics
I was worshiping and stumbled on to this song. It feels like a metaphor for my life or something. I really have no idea what it will end up sounding like. I was playing it in D, but from there it was all very random and organic, so for now I'll just post the lyrics without chords. If anyone has a thought, please share :)
I was broken and lost in depravity
You found me, healed me, set me free
Ashamed, rejected, no where to call home
You kept me, held me, called me Your own
So beautiful
So beautiful
So beautiful
Is the Savior's love for us
Your greatness and power I can't even comprehend
And still you want me just as I am
You're Justice, Love, Peace, and Truth
Everyday you make me a little more like you
No matter how I fall, or how far I stray
You love still saves me, this Grace will never change
I was broken and lost in depravity
You found me, healed me, set me free
Ashamed, rejected, no where to call home
You kept me, held me, called me Your own
So beautiful
So beautiful
So beautiful
Is the Savior's love for us
Your greatness and power I can't even comprehend
And still you want me just as I am
You're Justice, Love, Peace, and Truth
Everyday you make me a little more like you
No matter how I fall, or how far I stray
You love still saves me, this Grace will never change
Marketing Fail of the Day
Recent Creations :)
These are some recent creations for the St Pete Vineyard. The first two are invite cards for our 'six-packs' The last one is a postcard designed for our December Series. Tell me what you think!

This was an original creation for SPV. Except the interior text which I borrowed from a previous creation.

I originally made this design for NewDay Church in Indiana, but the St Pete Vineyard loved it so much that I recreated it for them :) (It's one of my personal favorites!)

Anne Jackson wrote recently on her blog that "When you say yes to something, that means you're saying no to something else." This is very true. When I say yes to spending time at church, I am essentially saying no spending that time with my family. My question is why is that always seen as a bad thing? If I say no to time at church, I am saying no to something much larger. I'm saying no to preparing to do my part in the body. I'm saying no to raising up the next generation. I'm saying no to my calling. I'm saying know to my church family.
Now, don't get me wrong; a healthy family is vital to a healthy pastor, but it shouldn't an either/or thing. Ministry requires a significant amount of time above and beyond what you're paid for (if your lucky enough to be in paid ministry) and that's just what it is. This is a reality that should be discussed with our families before we go into ministry or get married if you're already in ministry.
My husband is not in ministry, but he is very aware of what it demands. He knows that I will always work more than I'm paid for (if I'm being paid at all). He knows that Christmas Eve, Easter, Mother's Day and Father's Day are the highest visitors week in churches, and therefore I may be absent from home on those days. He knows that if there is an opportunity to expand God's Kingdom that my needs and his needs have to take a back seat. He also knows that I love him, I appreciate him, and I support him in what he does just as much as he supports me.
So I refuse to call what I have to give at the end of the day, "leftovers", because it's not. My working hard for God during the day doesn't mean I only have junk left to give my husband. Do I get tired, beaten, and grumpy- absolutely, but it's job to know how to work hard for God and be a good wife. When I struggle with it, I know God can show me how.
Being a good spouse is less about quantity and more about quality. If you feel like your giving your spouse 'leftovers', don't immediately think you shouldn't do so much at church. Try to look at the quality of the relationship. Here are a list of questions to help you determine why your involvement might be causing a problem(some of them seem silly, but they're true!):
1. Do you have at least one quality evening together a week?
2. Do you send each other romantic or even sexy little texts/emails/notes?
3. Do you tell your spouse how much you appreciate them at least once per week?
4. Do you kiss each other for at least 5 minutes everyday?
5. Do you have a healthy sex life?
6. Do you CLEARLY communicate where you are and when you'll be home
7. If you have kids: Do you try to give your spouse at least two hours a week without them?
8. Do you know that you have your spouse's support when you're away from home?
9. Do you demonstrate support for each other emotionally and practically?
10. Do you tell your spouse how attractive they are to you everyday?
If you answered 'no' to at least 3 of these, then I would say that it's not the amount of time you're involved, it's the strength of your relationship. Try doing each of these things, and try having a heartfelt discussion with your spouse. Usually the non-involved spouse is really just feeling shafted by your busyness or sometimes just insecure. Strengthening the relationship from the inside is what needs to happen. Cutting back the time you spend in ministry WILL NOT fix the problem, it will only put a band-aid on it. As someone who's been divorced- I know this first hand. If the problem is in the relationship, then address it with your spouse and address it with God.
DISCLAIMER: This article does not apply to workaholics. If you work more than 50 hours per week on a regular basis, then please buy Anne Jackson's Book 'Mad Church Disease' and take a vacation!
Peace- New Song :)
Okay here's another song currently under construction. I know I keep saying that I will upload a recording and eventually I will :) Truth be told, I'm not a big fan of my own guitar playing (or singing for that matter) But someday I will make one of my very talented friends do a recording for me. For now I'll let you use your imagination :-P
D Dsus
I come and I bow
D/F#m7 Asus
Here I find Your peace now (repeat)
Em7 G Em7 D/F#m7
Oh how You love me and oh, how you comfort me
Em7 G G/b Em7 Asus
Oh, how you you hold me. In Your hands I'm whole
Verse 2:
D Dsus
Here I am, all for You
D/F#m7 Asus
No chaos around me, only truth
(under construction)
Oh how I love you
Oh how I need you
Doubt: Saboteur or Smoke Alarm?
There is a fine line between self-doubt that seeks to hinder and coming to a realization that you simply are not meant to do something. What I am struggling to find is the line between the two. How do you know when it's time to lay aside uncertainty and push forward toward the goal or lay down what you want to do because it's just not something that God has for you? I only wish I knew the answer.........
I have always struggled with self-doubt. I really don't talk about it, but I am consistently filled with feelings that tell me I not good/pretty/talented/smart/liked enough to do this or that. Most of the time God really helps me overcome these things, so I can do the things He needs me to do, but the feelings exist nevertheless. Like I said, I don't really have many people that I talk about 'feelings' with but I know that there are probably many people who struggle with the same things. Right now I'm feeling like a certain thing (that I won't name) is something that I'm just not cut out to do. It's hard to distinguish between whether my doubt is just a lack of confidence on my part or something alarming me to the fact that I'm going the wrong way. Benjamin Franklin once said, "When in doubt, don't"
So, I remain stuck, I can either push past my feelings and risk disappointment or I can accept that I'm just not cut out for this and lay it down. Oh decisions, how I hate you, but at least I get to gripe on my blog :)
I have always struggled with self-doubt. I really don't talk about it, but I am consistently filled with feelings that tell me I not good/pretty/talented/smart/liked enough to do this or that. Most of the time God really helps me overcome these things, so I can do the things He needs me to do, but the feelings exist nevertheless. Like I said, I don't really have many people that I talk about 'feelings' with but I know that there are probably many people who struggle with the same things. Right now I'm feeling like a certain thing (that I won't name) is something that I'm just not cut out to do. It's hard to distinguish between whether my doubt is just a lack of confidence on my part or something alarming me to the fact that I'm going the wrong way. Benjamin Franklin once said, "When in doubt, don't"
So, I remain stuck, I can either push past my feelings and risk disappointment or I can accept that I'm just not cut out for this and lay it down. Oh decisions, how I hate you, but at least I get to gripe on my blog :)
Marketing Fail of the Day

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