"God I speak healing over this broken nation. I pray that your Holy Spirit would be there in the rubble of this tragedy, Father God. I pray that you would heal those who are injured, comfort those who mourn, and pour your love and mercy over your children who so desperately need you in this dark hour. I pray that Your Church would become a mobilized task force to reach out and help this nation, not just with our pocketbooks but with our hands. I pray that out of this your love would become even greater in Haiti. I pray that you Father would turn this mourning into dancing as only you can. Bring restoration to your children in Haiti and to all your children. God, we are desperate for you. Please guide us and all our brothers and sisters in your perfect Will, and show us how we can glorify You today in Haiti and here at home. Once again I ask for your healing over Haiti Father. I love you. Amen"
I haven't posted any Fails since Monday, because with everything going on in Haiti, I just didn't feel like making a funny. Not to worry humor will grace this page again soon, but for today I would like to donate this space to helping the people of Haiti.
I hope that everyone who reads this will donate something to help the people of Haiti recover. Even if it's just $5- it helps!
Click Here to donate to Compassion International's Haiti Disaster Relief. Give joyfully in Jesus name!

Awesome post ! Great blog - keep it up.