For any you contemplating divorce. Let me say this: Try everything and if the marriage is really broken, just prepare yourself. As bad as your marriage may be, the pain that follows a divorce will be a thousand times worse. It is usually short-lived, but make no mistake, the pain is immense.
So, here I was 23 and already getting divorced. I felt like a failure. I felt like I failed my friends, my daughter, and even God. I had no idea what to do or where to turn. I tried to talk to my christian friends, but I was met with a sense of shame and disapproval.
I was constantly being prodded to just 'work it out'. I was even told that I would never be allowed to lead worship or practice ministry again. I think my friends just didn't know what else to say. They knew how to deal with people who weren't Christians and dealt with the pain of divorce, but I was different. I was a Christian, I had led others, and I think because we were so efficient at hiding our issues, my friends were simply shocked.
I didn't think I could go to church. I tried a couple of times but the voices of my friends echoed in my head and I just felt such a deep sense of shame. I couldn't even sit through a service. I thought to myself, "I don't want to be a part of this anymore". I couldn't understand how people who claimed to love me so much could be so insensitive and in some cases just mean. I remember when I asked God to leave. I couldn't deal with how much I felt like I let him down. I no longer felt worthy of Him.
In the midst of losing my husband, losing God, and dealing with what ended up being a fierce custody battle, I met up with Chris. Chris and I had dated for a few months in high school, but nothing serious. In the absence of God in my life, I sought out a warm body to relate to. Chris and I quickly became involved. Even then I didn't feel really worthy of anything, so just when the relationship started to get serious, I broke up with him. I dated a few other guys, but I knew I really liked Chris. Eventually, we got back together. Now our relationship progressed much too quickly. Soon, we were engaged- less then a year after getting divorced. Now I'm currently married to him and I wouldn't have it any other way, but this was definitely a dangerous idea at first. You see, both of us were starved from loneliness. This drew us together. It's only by God's grace that our marriage has turned into the wonderful thing that it is today. Chris was raised in church, but didn't go. I didn't want to go to church because I felt ashamed.
One day I went to a church called the Salvage Yard. I just felt like I really needed to try again and the name sounded like a good place for someone like me. I liked it. The pastor there, had been through a divorce while being a pastor. We related. He'd experienced a lot of the same rejection that I had. Meeting with him was a turning point. Then a few weeks into attendance, I found out I was pregnant. Chris and I were months away from being married and here I was pregnant. Shame set in again. I asked that pastor to go to lunch with me and I remember sitting there at Chili's bawling as I told him. I waited for the reprimand that I knew I deserved, but it never came. He said, "It happens." No judgment, no condescension, no anything. I don't remember what else he said, but I remember how I felt better.
All this time I know God was protecting me and preparing me. Even though I'd asked him to leave, He didn't. He just hid. He put the right people around me. He kept pulling me back in. Slowly, I started to come back around. Chris and I got married and my youngest was born. Both of us began returning to God. I remember the night that God took all my shame away. I started attending church at my old church on Wed nights. I knew I could fly under the radar on Wed. I don't remember what was taught, but I remember I went up to the guy teaching when it was all done and asked him to pray for me. To know how significant that is, you have to know that I pretty much NEVER ask anybody to pray with me in person. I tearfully told him my story and how I felt, and he prayed. As I drove home, I was crying so hard I barely stand it, and I remember God spoke, "Just worship me. It's what you do best. You bring me great pleasure. You bring me joy. My child, I love you." In that moment restoration happened. I began to feel that fire towards God again. I knew that all was not lost. God stilled loved me and He makes me worthy to be loved. I knew right then that I would still be in ministry someday. I knew that God was turning all the pain into something good. There were still struggles ahead, but I held on to that.
I could go on forever about all the ups and downs divorce has taken me through. This was really a VERY brief synopsis. The whole story would probably be more like novel than a blog :) I still deal with it everyday. There will always be Christians who think less of me for it. I am tested in how I deal with my ex-husband even today, and Satan will always try to throw guilt and shame back into my life.
I really just wanted to share so people who love someone going through can have some perspective, and so people who are contemplating it can know the seriousness of it, and so people who are dealing with it can have hope.
Divorce is a hard thing, but God specializes in restoring things that we consider lost. That's my story. I would love to hear your story if you care to share or if you're dealing with it and you'd like some encouragement please email me: happyemjo@gmail.com
Thanks for reading and I promise I'll post something funny later to offset the seriousness of my last two posts :)
Wow, thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteI used to think I was good at listening but lately, thanks to blogs, I'm starting to realize that it takes more than 30 minutes of listening to even begin to understand what another person has gone through. It takes hours of listening without giving advice.
One woman wrote the story of her and her husband in 20 installments on her blog. After two hours of reading I was so thankful that she took the time. There was so much I didn't understand about the raw emotions of a teenager desperate for love and then the painful journey of a marriage restored.
So, if you want to write your whole story, I'll read it. You can email it to me if you want in installments, even. I won't have any sage wisdom or advice, I think I just need to work on my listening skills.
Wow, Curdie. I find it amazing that you have chosen to do that. there are so few people in the world that really care enough to listen and truly understand their peers. What an amazing gift that God has placed in you!
ReplyDeleteSomeday, I may write more about it. I've actually tossed around the idea of writing a divorce survival guide specifically for Christian women, not because I'm a very good writer, but because there is really nothing for us. Thank you for the encouragement. It's always scary when we share our personal failures with others.
Thanks for your bravery in posting this.
ReplyDeleteWow, Emily. Thanks for allowing God to work through you. I know He will use your experiences, whether you write a book or not, to encourage others, and to help many understand the incredible power of His love and forgiveness towards all of us fallen ones. Keep it up, girl!