
Adventures in Obedience

This month marks my 10 year anniversary of becoming a follower of Christ. You'd think that after you've been doing something for 10 years, you'd be really good at it, but it never ceases to amaze me how God continues to challenge me and take me deeper all the time. I've accepted the fact that I'll never really be 'good' at being a Christian but I'll always be pursuing God's best in my life, fully knowing that I can't reach that goal in my time on Earth.

Recently, our church did a series called "How to Be Rich". It was an amazing series and I encourage you to listen to the messages here. However, there was one week that really stood out for my husband and myself. It was the week when we talked about tithing. It's funny, because I rarely get to listen to our messages live because of my position at the church, but I actually caught this one.

I've always been a giver. I am in ministry so I feel like I give everything I have; my whole life really, and of course, I toss some $ in the baskets like everyone else. In the last 10 years I've heard many, many messages on money; some good and some bad, but this one was different. I'm no theologian, so I can retell it the way Pastor Tim said it, but basically he talked about Biblical obedience in tithing- meaning giving 10%, off the top and directly to the church. He outlined many great facts backing this up, but they allude me now :)

While listening I thought about all the giving I do. I give my time, energy, resources, I give money to missions, people in need, etc. but it was here that God stopped me and caused me to listen. I had to ask myself; how much do I actually tithe? The truth is I have no idea! I felt God challenge me with being intentionally obedient to His Word and always give 10% directly to the church and let everything else I give be out of the other 90%.

This is where the internal argument began. I said "Well, God, Chris and I give you everything, don't we? We give here, and here, and here, and......" And God said this "I know you trust me with 100% of your lives but do you trust me with 100% of your money- be obedient to my Word"

Well.... there's really no arguing with that statement. God's Word is it and God made it impossible for us to gloss over that part any longer. So my husband and I talked and we decided to say ok. So we immediately started being intentional with our giving and really making sure that we gave 10% to the church before anything else. This was hard for us because we are very poor right now. My husband has been out of work and I've been struggling with finding consistent business AND we didn't curb our giving from the missions and things we already gave to- we just started taking that out of the 90% God let us keep.

So how is it going? Are we broke yet? Well......

It's been two weeks since we started this experiment and God has worked some amazing miracles:

1. My husband who's been out of work since August was offered a great job
2. My income from my own business (I do photography and creative services) has increased 450%
3. We somehow have managed to catch up on nearly every bill we have
4. Our stress level has gone from 100 to -50 because we are no longer fighting about money
5. Our faith has increased and we want to give more than ever before!

I'm not going to say that things work this quickly for everyone, but this is our experience. God has always taken care of us, but when we are intentionally obedient to His Word, his blessings grow even more.

At the end of the message, Pastor Tim challenged everyone to a 3 month tithe challenge. Basically, tithe 10% intentionally for 3 months and see what God does. I encourage anyone that reads this to watch that message and take the challenge- you won't be sorry! God never fails.

"For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." Matthew 6:21 ESV


Go ahead and jump

It's no secret that I love photography. Ever since I first stepped into a dark room in high school I have been in love with the entire art form. (yes as in a real dark room where we developed real film- gosh I'm getting old!)

I always dreamt of doing something more with my passion but it never felt like the right time until now. You see I never found my niche in photography until I had kids. It's having kids and photographing them throughout the years that made me realize where my real passion lies. Capturing families and children has become something that I truly love to do, so I've decided to take the leap and begin my own photography business. I've decided to call it Upward Photography (yes totally jacking the name of this blog) and I will focus on providing creative, modern and affordable family and lifestyle photography.

If you know me personally, this is not a shock. I have been bouncing this around for years and if you have kids I've probably taken pictures of them but it wasn't until recently that I finally had the confidence to make the leap. I have no clue where this will lead me but I know it's what I need to be doing.

So be on the lookout in the next week as I launch my website, FB page, and start marketing, and by all means, help me spread the word!

Take It All

Well these last few months have been crazy to say the least. Year after year I'm learning that the only thing I can depend on is God and as soon as I begin to depend on anything else, He has no problem turning my world on end to remind me of that.

Yes, life has been very hard over the last few months but this blog isn't to drone on about what's been going wrong- it's to celebrate what has come out of it all. Years ago I was listening to someone read a little devotional book. To this day I don't remember which one but I do remember what he said.