
2009- A Year in Fail

Here are some of my favorite fails in 2009. They're not all marketing but they are all freakin' funny!

5. Star Wars is the Devil- Website Fail. Here we seem many misguided people who have waaaaaay too much time on their hands

4. Kanye West- I don't really like I need to explain this one. He was already douchy, but this year he edged out Jon Gosselin and Tiger Woods for the title of Douche King.

3. Adam Lambert- He went from American Idol to a gay burlesque show in a matter of months. So much potential but he's chosen to let his sexuality overshadow his natural talent- fail!

2. Penis-Shaped VeggieTales Cookies (via JesusNeedsNewPR) uh- it speaks for itself.

1. The Jesus Tree- this nearly ruined my Christmas by making it into Easter.

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